Inline pdf viewer for mac vim
Inline pdf viewer for mac vim

inline pdf viewer for mac vim
  1. #Inline pdf viewer for mac vim how to
  2. #Inline pdf viewer for mac vim mac os x
  3. #Inline pdf viewer for mac vim full

Nnoremap :updatesilent !start "C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" "file://%:p" On Windows 7 this opens the current file in Chrome (fix the path by replacing "MyName" with what it should be on your system). Nnoremap :execute 'silent ! start '.matchstr(getline('.'), 'http\S*') For example, the following takes the first match on the current line which starts with 'http' and continues with non-whitespace characters (it finishes at the first space or tab, or at the end of the line): If using or does not suit a particular requirement, it is possible to use a pattern to select what is needed. If the program path contains spaces, it is necessary to put the path in quotes ( ".").

#Inline pdf viewer for mac vim full

If the program is not in a PATH directory, the full path to the program must be specified. In the above, there is no space after ! and the Vim command has the form :!start program file which causes Vim (on Windows) to run the specified program with the file as an argument. " On Linux, open URL under cursor in Firefox. Nnoremap :updatesilent !start c:\progra~1\intern~1\iexplore.exe file://%:p " On Windows, open current file in Internet Explorer. Nnoremap  :!start C:\progra~1\mozill~1\firefox.exe Nnoremap  :!start C:\progra~1\intern~1\iexplore.exe However, using works for both situations: plain URL and URL between html tags. On Windows, using to open the link at the cursor in a browser does not work when the URL is in an html tag surrounded by quotes. Copy the full path of a local html file or a URL in another application, then type \h to preview the file or web page in Vim.įrom 256 Opening current Vim file in your Windows browser.Visually select the full path of a local html file or a URL, then type \h to preview the file or web page.Edit an html file, then type \H to save and preview the file.Nnoremap h :call sourcing the above, and assuming the default backslash Leader key, you can: " On Linux, use for current selection or for text in clipboard. Vnoremap h y:call View text for URL from clipboard. Nnoremap H :updatecall ViewHtmlText(expand('%:p')) " Save and view text for current html file.

inline pdf viewer for mac vim

Setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfileĮxecute 'r !elinks '. You might do that for a quick preview, or to copy text from the displayed html page.

#Inline pdf viewer for mac vim how to

The following shows how to use elinks to read that text into a scratch buffer. Viewing text from an html file or a URL Ī text-based web browser such as elinks can extract a formatted view of the text from an html file or a web page. 6 From 201110 Preview current HTML in browser on Linux.

#Inline pdf viewer for mac vim mac os x

4 From 684 Preview current HTML in browser on Mac OS X.

inline pdf viewer for mac vim

  • 3 From 587 Preview current file in Mozilla through localhost.
  • 2 From 256 Opening current Vim file in your Windows browser.
  • 1 Viewing text from an html file or a URL.

  • Inline pdf viewer for mac vim